Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things to be done to please God

“You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased- Lk. 3:22.
In the previous post we learnt why God said Jesus is my son. In the same scripture God said ‘with you I’m well pleased.’ Let’s see why God said this.

We know Jesus came into this world to save us from our sins. In order to save us, he should sacrifice his life like a lamb as a ransom for ours sins. That’s why when John saw Jesus coming to him, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world.”

In the old testament, we read, sacrifices were pleasing aromas to God. Here, in the new testament, Jesus’ sacrifice was a pleasing thing to God.

God couldn’t say the word ‘I’m pleased with you’ afer Jesus died on the cross. Know why? Wouldn’t he suffer from the grief caused by his Son’s death? Though he liked the sacrifice, which would deliver people from their sins, he wouldn’t say the word at that time.

Hence because of imminent sacrifice, God said these words earlier: with you I’m well pleased. After that he remained silent  for the sake of fulfillment of the scriptures.

To fulfill the scriptures, Jesus sacrificed his life to save us and please God. He died for our sins and made us righteous to make us Children of God. Now we became the children of God.

If we see the struggles Jesus faced to please God, they were unbearable, especially on the cross. As the children of God, we also have to please God, but we needn’t do like Jesus did.

There are not many things to be done to please God. In the new testament, many times it was written: please God.

Find out what pleases the Lord- Ep. 5:10.

We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts- 1Th. 2:4.

And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased- He. 13:16.

Some foolish people who don’t know how to please God do foolish things, thinking God will be pleased in them. On good Friday and Easter we see their foolish things on a few tv channels, like Discovery and National geographic. 

The people get crucified. I wonder why they are doing this. Jesus died on the for our sins. Why are these people doing this again? To save whom? It is understood that they really don’t know why God died.

If Jesus had n’t died for our sins, everyone deserved to be crucified. Not knowing this, they are doing these foolish things. I’ve been watching their foolish things for many years, and I’ve never seen at least one man die on the cross.

They get removed from the cross when they are going to peak stage of the pain caused by crucifixion. They don’t do what God commanded us, but they do these things only to humiliate God. Undoubtedly, God won’t be pleased in this. It grieves his heart.

I’m praying to God remove their spiritual blindness, so that they will be able know why God died.

Dear brothern, as the children of God, we always do good things, which please God, who will give us reward for them in heaven. It will be our treasure in heaven.