Monday, September 27, 2010

Don't let your children fall into hell

Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Ps. 127:3-4.

We have got a precious reward from God. But how many of us taking care of the reward? Though we take good care about fish in our fish tank, some die and float. This would cause a little pain in our heart.
Our children are more precious than fish. How would we feel if we realized that our children died spiritually and were heading to hell? Nobody can express the pain in words. 

If we didn’t teach our Children about God and his commands, they would go astray. Schools and teacher don’t teach about God.

It’s parents’ responsibility to train their children in a good way. Instead of teaching them rhymes and bed time stories, it is better to tell them biblical stories and things about God. Hence Children will know about God from their childhood and adhere to the commands.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it- Pr. 22:6.

Some Parents worry about their children when they realized their children are weak in some subjects. To make them perfect in the particular subjects, a few educated parents teach their children about the subjects with special care. Some times they beat their children to make them perfect in the subjects. But they don’t ask whether their children know God or not. They don’t care! They just make sure their children go to Sunday school or not. This is not good.

Parents have to make sure their children are not weak in God and his commands. They ought to tell them about God and his commands, and also the things, which pleases God.

Parents don’t let their children fall into hell with their negligent attitude, assuming that God will save them. It’s not right.

Instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord- Ep. 6:4.

First, parents should do their responsibility toward their children, then God will take care of the rest. In case any parents don’t do this, their children don’t honor them nor follow the rest commands. As a result, the children will go to hell.

So parents must be active to teach about God and his commands to their children.