Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tell your kids about God.

Once a believer came to my home with his six year old daughter. He is really proud of his daughter, who knows many rhymes. He made her say five rhymes for me, and she did. I admired her.

After that, I talked to her father about some important matters. While they were about to leave, I asked the little girl to do Lord’s prayer. She said, “I don’t know what it is?” I asked her father he didn’t teach her Lord’s prayer. “I didn’t tell her about it, cause she is a kid. She can’t take in,” he replied.

I said you should tell her about God. At this, the father posed this question to me:

“How come can children understand when we tell them about God?”

It took me much time to convince him that Children can understand about God if we tell them about.

Five year old children are operating computers, playing the guitar, and some driving cars.

They are wise enough to understand about them and operate them. Then why wouldn’t they understand about God?

They do understand about God when we tell them about him. Most of the parents are thinking that their children can’t take in about God even if they tell them.

This is wrong. They can understand.

They ask us many question readring the Bible and God while we tell them about. We must tell them answers. Social answers only. When they grow up, they understand the full answers themselves.

It’s parents’ duty to bring their children up in God. Instead of doing this, many parents are bringing their kids in rhymes and video games. This is not correct. Besides telling them the Bible and the stories, parents could teach their children rhymes. But setting aside the Bible and God is not good.

Once, I happened to go to an orphanage. There, children are singing songs about God. Their prayers are remarkably amazing. I fell like I can’t beat them in prayers. I daresay God does listen to their prayers and bestow them what they need.

God loves the children, who knows rhymes, but not more than the children, who know how to pray and sing songs of God.

Therefore, train your children how to pray to God and how thank him in both hardships and happiness. By doing this, your children will be blessed abundantly. It will be good for their lives.

Do this if you really like your children.