Monday, April 4, 2011

Holy Communion Is to Remember Christ

There was a believer in a Church, who had not been taking part in Holy Communion. He was just looking at the believers who were eating the bread and drinking the wine. The pastor, in the church, observed the believer for a long time, and one day, he went to him while he was about to get into his vehicle.

The pastor said, “I’ve been watching you for a long time. You are not taking Holy Communion. You got any problem?”  The believer said, “How can I take Holy Communion? I feel I’m a sinner. ” The pastor chuckled and asked, “Jesus died on the cross for sinner or the righteous?”

“For sinners,” the believer said.

“Then Who should take Holy communion sinners or the righteous?”

“Sinners,” answered the believer after a moment of pause.

“You said right,” said the pastor, “From now on you should take Holy Communion.” The believer agreed.

Well, this is not a story. This is a real incident. I’m whiteness to this.

Many believers are considering themselves sinners and not taking Holy Communion. This is not good. It is being widely spread that only the righteous deserves to take Holy Communion. This is false.

Every Christian should take Holy Communion without fail.

He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” - Lk. 22:19.

Jesus didn’t say, celebrate Christmas and Easter in remembrance of me.

Christmas and Easter are the festivals appointed by us, not by god. Of course, it’s not wrong to celebrate them. The disappointing this many believers are not taking part in celebrating Holy Communion. They think God will punish them if they take Holy Communion.

If we don’t eat Holy Communion, God won’t be pleased with us. Come to your sense and take part in Holy Communion service.