Thursday, January 6, 2011

Suicide lands your spirits in hell

A Human being,

From 6 to 19 devotes to education,

20- 30 searches for job and settle in life,

31-40 gets married and gets children,

41-60 amasses money for children,

61- 80 suffers from sickness and loneliness. After that, dies.

This is the life of a common human being. In the life, if he/she  faces severe troubles(financial and personal)or worries, he/she  is restoring to suicide. 

Just have a look at the life from 1-60. All these years we’re living for ourselves. There is another thing in us, which tells us to live for God. It is our inner being: spirit.

Some people, in troubles, are killing themselves, thinking that they could escape problems and troubles. But this is wrong. The spirits of the cowardly directly land in hell. Read Re. 21:8 for reference.

We shouldn’t ourselves go toward death, because such death(suicide) shouldn’t accomplish God’s will. Satan leads us toward suicide while we’re in problems. It takes advantage of our situation, but we shouldn’t give in under any circumstances.

At Gethsemane Jesus prayed to God, asking him to take away the cup from him. At that time, his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Though he was in the peak stage of anguish, he didn’t like to die.

He said, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will -Mt. 26:39.

Jesus was also tempted in the desert. At that time he was alone. Satan tried to tempt him in many ways, but he didn’t fall in its trap.

He was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted - He. 2:18.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you - 1Pe. 5:7.

Don’t be afraid of troubles. And don’t commit suicide. Our spirit needs to stay in our bodies, so that we can accomplish God’s will.

The Lord be with your {our}spirit- 2Ti. 4:22.