Saturday, July 2, 2011

We shouldn’t judge a man by his death

When people have died in ghastly accidents, such as flight crash, car accident, and vehicles run over on people, folks believe that the dead people committed terrible sins and died in that way. This is utterly wrong.

We shouldn’t judge a man by his death. It’s a foolish thing.

St. Paul was beheaded
St. Peter was crucified upside down.
Some of Jesus’ disciples were toppled from synagogues; others skinned alive and succumbed to death.

Except John, the rest disciples were killed brutally. Their deaths were extremely horrific. It means they were sinners?


The Jews and Romans branded them as sinners and killed them in such a way. Actually, those who killed them deserve such death sentences for killing the Holy people, who were preaching the word of God.

So far, thousands of thousands preachers have been killed for preaching the word of God all over the world. They are also not sinners.

Jews believed who died in a gruesome death in a sinful man.

Jesus corrected their view.

Those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on  them — do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.” - Lk. 13:4-5. 

Death comes to all. It doesn’t matter whether we die in our sleep or die in an accident. A Good death doesn’t send a person to Heaven. Likewise a bad death doesn’t send a person to hell.

We believed In Jesus, got baptized, took part in Holy communion, by doing all this we became Holy people and sons of God. Hence however we die, we inherit the Kingdom of God. No doubt about it.

Birth and Sleep, not death

Whenever I go to Cemeteries, I feel very sorry for the headstones, which indicates that there are many immature Christians. 

Lack of proper knowledge of the word of God, they are doing imperfect activities.

It is written in the Bible:

`I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?  He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” - Mt. 22:32.

In God’s sight every man is alive though he is passed away.

Immature Christians have not digested this. They don’t trust this. They are writing on the headstones of their beloved ones as:



I hate the latter.

The words, sleep or rested were used instead of death in the Bible. Immature Christians, however, love the word death. They read the scriptures regarding the sleep, but they don’t care nor do they think.

I tell you why I the word “sleep or rested” were used. 

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing - Jn. 6:63.

The spirit is immortal. We received it from God. God breathed into Adam’s  nostrils the breath of life: the spirit.  It never dies.

I tell you a surprising truth concerning the spirit.

We were given names.

Are the names to our bodies or spirits?

To our Spirits, not to our bodies.

I declare to you, brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit
the kingdom of God - 1Co. 15:50.

The names of our spirits were written in the book of life.

If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he(his spirit) was thrown into the lake of fire - Re. 20:15.

That’s why in God’s sight no man is dead. Every human being’s spirit is alive forever.

Our spirits dwell in heaven with spiritual bodies, which will be given by God.

If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body - 1Co. 15:44.

Our spirits will remain in the spiritual bodies ever.

Natural bodies are just temporary media to our spirits. If our  spirits have left these bodies, It means we are not dead. Our spirits never die.

Therefore, don’t write the word death on headstones. Show your perfection on it. Tell this to your fellow brothers and sisters.

When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears - 1Co. 13:10.