Wednesday, March 2, 2011

God is not averse to the Rich

Some believers are thinking God wants to drain our bank balance and stand us on roads for the sake of kingdom of God.
This is a misgiving.

In B.C. God commanded the Israelites that they must give tenth of their inheritance to God as offering. It is not for God. It is for Levites.

In A.D. Christ told a rich man that he should sell everything and give it to the poor.

In the beginning of the first century believers put it in practice.

Those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales and put it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to anyone as he had needed - Ac. 4:34-35.
(Communism was born from this. It was not newly invented. To say, Communism concept is an old wine in a bottle)

In the middle of the first century, Paul, filled with Holy spirit, made a new statement regarding offerings.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver - 2Co. 9:7.

So there is no compulsion on anybody to sell everything and give it to the poor. God set us free and put the ball in our court. So each one is authorised to give whatever he wishes to give.

You’d like to give a few dollars to God? Give away. No problem. You are willing to give the few dollars cheerfully. God blesses you for that.

Though you’ve given hundreds of dollars to God under compulsion, God is not pleased with that.

Some immature preachers are adhering to the scripture Jesus had said to the rich man.

Many changes were done by God to lighten the yoke on Christians. In my many aspects. If we read the bible many times, we understand them.

God doesn’t forsake any believer. It doesn’t matter whether he is a poor man or rich man. Remember that God has blessed many people with riches, beginning from Abraham.

So God is not averse to the rich.