Sunday, February 27, 2011

Telugu Christain sons

                                TELUGU CHRISTMAS SONG


                                       JESUS TELUGU SONGS (S.P BALU)


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

For the sake of perfection in spiritual life

In these days, we’re watching people’s testimonies on tvs and in some ministries. Many Christians, who have recovered from their sicknesses, are giving testimonies and praising God. Jesus healed many but commanded them they shouldn’t tell it to anybody, because he doesn’t want the testimony of cured persons.

Jesus told the cured persons that they should show themselves before the priest and offer gifts as Moses commanded. Today, many Christians who have not understood the bible properly are doing against to this. Even pastors are no exception. A pastor was saying to a congregation, “put your hand where you have sickness. Today, God is going to heal you. He wants to heal you. Close your eyes. I’ll pray, and you’ll be healed.”

A few persons, in the congregation, who had sickness put their hands where they had sickness. The pastor prayed a long time for  the sick persons. After that, he opened his eyes and said, “those who have been healed by God rise your hands.” Many hands rose out of the few persons. Once again, the pastor
said, “come onto the stage and tell your testimony, so that God  will be praised.”

They went to onto the stage and said that they were cured of their sickness. After that, all they shouted, “Hallelujah!”

This is not Jesus wanted.  Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of
Christ does not have God - 2Jn. 9.

These are the people who are overtaking God and going ahead. A person, who is cured of his sickness, must thank God in his prayers. That’s enough. He need not publicize it.

Another blunder.
A pastor received a call from a paralyzed person. The person said, “I’m a paralyzed person, pastor. Please pray for me and heal me.” The pastor prayed a long time, then he began to shout as: “Get up! Take your mat and walk!” He shouted like this for a long time. The paralyzed person cried, “I’m unable to walk.”
The pastor said to the man, “You don’t have faith. God is not willing to heal you.”

The paralyzed person was disappointed and came to a conclusion that God was not willing to heal him nor cared for him. So he stopped praying. He foolishly believed the pastor words and changed like this.
In the bible, Jesus healed many persons, who had no faith. Later on, they believed Jesus. We must remember that.

I tell you don’t believe the pastors who claim that they can heal  the sick. These pastors roam in churches, calming that they can heal, but they never ever go to hospitals to heal the bed ridden patients. God heals the sick directly. He doesn’t need another mediator to perform this. God is always ready to listen to the prayers of the sick to heal them. He heals every sick person at a proper time. So the sick must be patient until God heals them. God has no partisan attitude. He pays attention to everybody

Another blunder:

Some Christians don’t know who they should pray to. And through whom they should pray. In our family, we know who our father is, mother is, and brother is.

When it comes to God’s family, some Christians are unaware of the father, the son, and the Holy spirit.
They are claiming that the father, the son, and the Holy spirit in one. Jesus is our brother. His father is our father. We should pray to our father through Jesus, who is our interceder. Holy spirit is also our brother. (Read ‘who is Holy spirit’ to know more about him. You could find it in the postings)

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name - Ep. 3:14-14.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus - 1Ti. 2:5.

Always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ - Ep. 5:20.

Not knowing all these, some Christians are praying as:

God thank you for sacrificing your life for my sins
* God, our father, didn’t die for our sins. He sent to his son for that. His son died for our sins.

Some are praying as:

Forgive our transgressions Jesus (Then they ask some requests, and finally they say)We’re asking these requests in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. We must pray to God through Jesus. We shouldn’t pray to Jesus
though his name. Remember.

Because of these imperfection Christian sake, this article was posted so that they will amend their mistakes and become perfect in their spiritual life.